
Semi dedicated servers

Having more superfluous reserves and freedom for your blogs is invariably an advantageous possibility. The semi dedicated servers hosting packages provided by True Cloud Hosting are adequately supplied with everything bigger web sites would demand for brisker web page load speeds under solid online traffic circumstances. Compared to Private Virtual Servers accounts, the semi-dedicated web server accounts also offer unmetered domain web hosting possibilities, but guarantee a lot more processor and semi-dedicated server autonomy, because of the fewer semi-dedicated server hosting account owners sharing the very same quite powerful semi-dedicated server. On the other hand, you still acquire the web hosting industry’s number one hosting CP - Hepsia. As a standard accessory, at no extra expense. You will greatly value the drag and drop File Manager, the Domain Manager and the Email Manager, the One-click PHP Script Installer and the Web Site Creation Tool sections.

Feature Details Semi Pro Semi Go
Monthly Charge
Web Server Space Unlimited Unlimited
Traffic Unlimited Unlimited
Server CPU Limit 200% 100%
MySQL Queries 130 000 / hour 90 000 / hour
MySQL Databases Unlimited Unlimited
MySQL Storage Unlimited Unlimited
Dedicated IPs
Hosted Domains Unlimited Unlimited
E-mail Accounts Unlimited Unlimited
FTPs Unlimited Unlimited
One-click PHP Script Installer
Web Site Creation Tool
Free Website Design Skins
Service Uptime